Savings Interest Income Tax 2024
(06/04/2024 to 05/04/2025)
Savings Tax Explained:
When you receive interest from a bank or building society account, it subject to income tax.
This used to be deducted at source, for example: bank interest with tax withheld but now interest is usually paid gross and you pay taxes later via your self assessment tax return.
Is there any further tax due or can I reclaim the tax if already deducted? This is not common now given most interest has no tax deduction at source.
Savings Income Tax Rates (i.e. Bank/Building Society Interest Received)
* Starting Rate Tax: the 10% lower 'starting' tax rate was reduced to 0.00 % from 6 April 2016. This was provided all taxable income is below a combined Personal Tax Allowance of £12,570.00 (£12,570.00 people born April 1938) and Starting Rate Tax Allowance of £5,000.00.
Investments with tax sometimes deducted at source but not usually nowadays.
Investments where interest is normally paid gross and taxes are due by self assessment collection.
Request tax advice today.