Read Documents as PDF or New Book Function

Published / Last Updated on 21/08/2024

Under Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Consumer Duty requirements, we are required as advisers to ensure fairness and value for money for our services and fees but also to improve services for a better client user experience.

We continually do this having launched many new facilities over the last 18 months such as

  • Multiple Fee Quotes System Updates.
  • Pop Up CTA Biscuits across site to help all users.
  • Guidance Videos in Products.
  • Client Dashboard new ‘widget’ additions for messages, documents, quotes, emails, Traffic Light Alerts and Weekly Updates.
  • Diary upgrade with user ability to cancel and rearrange.
  • Add Shop Content to Search Facility and make multiple word or phrase search with a content relevant score system.

New ‘Read As Book’ Feature:

Today, after 9 months of hard work, we can finally release an upgrade to our PDF documents system allowing users to read documents in PDF or, if they prefer in a readable book format.

This is available for all existing PDFs as well as adding new ones to the Shop Area for you to “See Before You Buy” or “What do I get for my Money?” i.e., a sample of what we will deliver as well as incorporating all your pdfs and emails and fee quotes in the same format over the next few days.

Take a Look Now: 

We have many more additional features scheduled for implementation over the coming 18 months to continue our drive to make your experience easier and even better.

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