Our Remote Will Writing Services

Published / Last Updated on 30/08/2024

It is estimated that between 45% and 50% of the UK population has not made their Last Will and Testament.  This is a sad position given the perils and risks of not making a will and dying intestate.

Many People may not make a Will due to:

  • Fear of death or a reluctance to even talk about it.
  • Fear of talking to legal advisers or others.
  • Having to make the effort to book in with a legal adviser.
  • The costs.

Risks of No Will

  • If you have children, do you really want the Courts to decide who would look after your children on death?
  • If you have children and have not made a Will, you spouse or partner may not inherit all of your wealth as some may need to be held in trust for you children under Intestacy Laws in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and even stricter in Scotland.
  • No control over who looks after your affairs on death.
  • Paying more inheritance tax because you did not plan. 
  • Do you really want to Crown to inherit some of your money if you have no relatives?  A will would prevent this risk.
  • All your wealth being used to pay for care fees of your surviving partner (if needed) with little or nothing left over for your children/loved ones.  A will with a special trust wording could protect wealth from care fees means testing.
  • People inheriting your estate who you do not want to or would wish to exclude.
  • Your personal items not being left to who you would like them to go to.
  • If you are not married or in a civil partnership, your life partner may not inherit any of your wealth.

No to Intestacy  and No Will Married, Children

Making it Easy for You

We offer:

  • Online, remote, video link, telephone, postal and face to face Will writing services.  You do not even have to leave your home to make a Will.
  • Standard Wills with standard trusts and clauses.
  • Mirrored Wills (the same for you and your partner) and at lower cost as we are drafting the same Wills for two people.
  • Advanced Wills with special trusts to protect your assets from inheritance taxes and/or care fees means testing of the surviving partner.
  • Excluding people:  We will include an Exclusion Clause in your Will and then draft and certify a Clarity Statement detailing your reasons for excluding someone from your Will in addition to helping you handwrite your own clarity statement.  This will help if anyone ever tries to contest your Will.

Our Fees: Wills & Probate


Professional Will Writing Service

The directors of this firm are degree qualified Associates and/or Fellows of the Chartered Insurance Institute and/or the Personal Finance Society as well as being Chartered Financial Planners.  In terms of legal training, they have studied and passed English Law, Property and Pecuniary Law, Pension Law and Taxation, Life Insurance Law and Taxation, Taxation and Trusts as well as Care Fees Planning examinations meaning we are perhaps better qualified than many legal advisers in strategies for Wills and Estate Planning.

We also use similar Will writing software to that used by solicitors as well as other will writers and sadly, a few clients have passed that had Wills drafted by us and 100% of them all passed through Probate without issue.

We believe we offer a complete, professional Will, estate, and tax planning solution at low cost in addition to the bonus of being authorised to deal with investments, trusts and pension planning for Lump Sum Death Benefit Allowances and solutions to reduce inheritance tax and protect from Care Fees.

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