Our Range of Pensions and Retirement Advice Services

Published / Last Updated on 05/09/2024

Our pensions are likely to be the second largest investment you will make during your lifetime behind property.  Sadly, pensions can be complex and despite the Labour government of the day suggesting “Pension Simplification” in 2006 would encourage more to save with 8 tax regimes being replaced by 1, the reality was it created 9 tax regimes to make things even more complex.  In addition, there have been many tweaks since 2006 and even this year, the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) was abolished but a new Lump Sum Allowance (LSA) and a Lump Sum Death Benefit Allowance (LSDBA) was introduced in April 2024.

To add to the above, the new Labour government has confirmed there will be a complete review of the pensions arena shortly and it is widely expected that tax relief will be changed in the 30 October 2024 Budget and there may be other changes to things like the maximum tax-free lump sum.

Ove the last 50 years, there have been 40+ pieces of legislation that affect pensions as the average person moving jobs every 7 years meaning financial advisers would be dealing with a few of your pension schemes sitting in different regimes.  If it is complex for a financial adviser to work out, how can the government expect the average worker to understand what they have and what they are likely to achieve in retirement?

We offer a complete range of pension administration, review, advice services for all ages.  Whether you are

  • Starting work and new to saving for retirement.
  • Mid-career and becoming more aware of the need to plan.
  • Have moved jobs several times leaving pension benefits in different areas.
  • Pre-retirement and needing to plan/make adjustments as you are in your retirement ‘glidepath coming in to land’.
  • At retirement and the decision of lump sums, annuities, and/or flexible drawdown.
  • Overseas with UK pensions and in the UK with overseas pensions.
  • State pensions and pension credits.
  • End of life and estate planning for pensions income and pension funds on death.
  • Offshore ‘retirement’ and savings schemes.
  • High earner, high value pensions and the affect of lifetime allowances and lump sum allowances.
  • Ongoing ‘Money MOT’ advice services to keep your pension in check as investment funds, markets and tax law are continually changing.

We can help you face to face or remotely via telephone/video conference call and offer transparent fees for all services.  See:

Related links:

New: Pension (New) Review: Review Plans Consolidate: Pension Transfer

Annuities: Annuity Flexible Drawdown: Flexible Drawdown

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