Five Deadly Money Mistakes

Published / Last Updated on 03/12/2013

The Five Deadly Money Mistakes...........

Why do some people look like they always make money?  Why do some people always seem to be in the right place at the right time?  Answer:  They do not make as many mistakes as others.

The starting point to get your money working harder and wiser is to avoid what we call The Five Deadly Money Mistakes:

‘Money’ means many things to many people.  ‘Being wealthy’ again means different things to different people.
Whatever we perceive our wealth to be, we have to look after it.

Junk Mail and Junk Calls Create Mistrust
Many people receive hundreds, if not thousands of pieces of ‘junk mail’ on their doorsteps every day.
Many people receive unsolicited calls at home and you cannot even walk into the bank or speak to the insurance company without somebody telling you what you should or should not be doing with your money.

  • This breeds contempt and breeds mistrust.
  • Meaning people make mistakes and advisers make mistakes i.e.  the Five Deadly Money Mistakes.

Contact us today to discuss way of planning and avoiding these sort of mistakes.


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