Auto Enrolment Pension Rules for Single Director Limited Company.
Auto enrolment rules for smaller companies are looming on the horizon. 2015 and 2016 sees the new pension regulations starting to affect smaller companies.
Auto-enrolment or workplace pensions is the Government’s answer to getting us all to save in a pension scheme by making it law that all employers must offer a pension scheme at work and both employees and employers will be required to pay into the pension scheme.
The staging dates for smaller employers now start start in August as follows:
To start with, the employer must set up a scheme within dates already set by the Government and then both the employer and employee must pay into the scheme. The contribution rates are as follows with increases in payments pushed back until April 2018 onwards (originally they were set to increase earlier:
What about Single ‘Employee’ Director/Owner Manager Companies?
The simple answer is single ‘employee’ companies are exempt from auto-enrolment. However, the Pensions Regulator, responsible for enforcing the new pension laws will not know that you are a single person firm or company.
You must therefore write to the Pensions Regulator that your limited company is exempt. In your letter you must include various details about your company and the reasons your believe you are exempt from offering a workplace auto-enrolment pension scheme.
Free Letter Template to Pensions Regulator
We have produced a template letter that we can email to you to use if you are a single employee/sole director firm with no employees. Contact us and we will send you a copy by email to send to the Pensions Regulator.